Cleaning Tools

I was doing some cleaning to prepare the house for Easter and ventured out into the garage and decide to clear out some things.  First came the leaves that had blown in throughout the winter.  I used a medium push broom for that.  It was then that I realize that there were four different brooms in the garage and none of them were like the one in the house.

The garage has two push brooms, a old straw broom, and a short kid size one that I think went with the fireplace tools.  Different tools for different jobs, yet all called brooms.  This made me think of people.  We all look different, have different jobs, think our own thoughts and yet we are all the same, having been created in the image of God. 

People are full of purpose, just like brooms.  Like brooms though, most people need to have others see their potential and put them to use.  Like brooms, some are discarded only to be found useful years later.  People are much more than brooms or perhaps they are brooms with attitude.  They have spirit and feelings.  I think that sometimes, people forget that we are all the same.  We are trying to find our way through the world, living life, feeling useful, and wanting to do this with joy and love.


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