Walking Your Dog

I can't help but to think of Haylee walking her dog last year, on April 9th at dusk, which was a little after 8 p.m.  It was a beautiful spring day with blue skies and nearly 70 degrees.  I'm sure she was happy walking along with her dog Lola.  I am grateful that she was happy.

So as I sit here, alone with the dogs at Lake Wawasee, I was considering a walk the dogs at dusk event in memory of Haylee and Lola. Just like Haylee's neighborhood, they don't have sidewalks here at Wawasee. So, I am grateful for sidewalks that keep people safe.  I'm also glad for dogs who keep people company...especially those who are alone alot like Haylee and me.  And lastly, I'm grateful that I came up with four things to be grateful for on this first anniversary.


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