Strange Spring Sightings

Aiden doing his thing.
Why do dogs roll around in the fresh spring grass and smell the spot to make sure it's right?  Why did only three daffodils bloom where dozens have bloomed in years past?  Why do beautiful young girls look in a mirror and see fat when clearly they're perfect? How bright are forsythia pedals?  How many flowers are blooming on the tree in my backyard?

These are my thoughts on my drive home from the ymca tonight.   The one in the middle, about the young girl really disturbs me.   There was a beautiful girl running on the treadmill when I came in.  Later she asked me if I could help her with the scale.  She smiled as she got off, when it showed her at 118 pounds.  She said that she used to weigh 130.  I asked her how much she wanted to weigh and she said 95!

After asking where the gym was, she stumbled out the door.  She was pale and I asked her to sit on the stairs and wait while I got help.  Apparently, she had not eaten all day.  (That is how she lost the 12 pounds!) After giving her some glucose, we talked some more.  I will pray for her, that she figures it out.  That she discovers that she is beautifully perfect the way she is. 


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