Dates vs. Days

Dear Haylee,

At this time last year, we were having your funeral Mass.  It was one week after the accident which ended your life as you were walking your dog.  I wonder if I will always be reminded twice each year; once on the day - the Wednesday of Holy Week and on the date - 4/16.  If so, how can I turn those two times into a blessing?

I know one way. Find all of the things that I'm grateful for about you and think about them: The 30 years I had with you. Your beautiful smile. Your sense of humor and your generosity & kindness. The way you could style your hair.  How you made fun of my style.  Sunday night poop talks.  You really were a funny girl!  It gives me peace knowing you are in heaven with all of the other angels especially your Grandma Herman and your Aunt Barb.  I miss you all.




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