Just Four Things

As I was driving to the YMCA tonight, I was thinking about what to write in this blog.  I thought that it was time to focus on the good in my life for the next forty days.  Now I know that I have not always stayed true to my forty day focal points.  In fact, I can't even remember some of them without looking through and reading the titles of my posts.  But I will not let that interfere with the task at hand: being grateful.

I believe it to be a good thing for me to set a minimum of four things that I am grateful for each day.  I certainly can have more than four, but I imagine, that on some days, I may struggle with finding them.  Day 1:  I am glad for my YMCA membership as it gets me out of the house and makes me focus on my body and the task of taking care of me.  I also appreciate all of the different shapes and sizes of the people I see there.  They help me to remember that we are all different, yet wonderfully designed. 

Tonight, I had dinner with my family that lives with me.  It has been a week or so since the three of us actually said grace and ate dinner together.  Without them, I would've been eating alone.  I am grateful for my dog Aiden, who tilts his head sometimes when he's looking at me.  It's as if he is trying to understand me.  I think he's the cutest dog ever!  Finally, I'm greatful for this blog and my ability to share my thoughts on paper.  It helps me to believe that I am not alone in this world.


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