Do This in Remembrance of Me

Today is Holy Thursday, the day we remember Jesus' Last Supper with his disciples.  He said:  Do this in memory of me.

I visited several cemeteries today.  One of the graves I visited was that of Bishop Bob; his stone reads from Ezekiel about being a good shepherd: I will search for the lost and bring back the strays...I looked for and found the stone of my friend Sandi and some others,  who are also at Resurrection Cemetery with Haylee.

I looked for the celtic cross stone of Fr. Tom Quinn but Calvary Cemetery is so large and filled with many celtic cross stones, that I only know where my grandparents lie...near the fence with a flat head stone.  I need to research more to find so many of my relatives there.  I know where my mom and my sister reside by heart.  They are each at different cemeteries. I always say hi to them as I drive by them on I280 or Central/Talmage, if I don't have time to go in.

Do this in memory of that what cemeteries are for?


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