Children and Hugs

It doesn't happen often, but today I was blessed to have hugged all of my children.  I was even able to stop by to visit Haylee after Carly's soccer game, so I was able to tell them all that I loved them.  I am grateful for having a relationship with my children.  We don't always agree but we always love.    As I left the lake this afternoon, with the sun shining as usual, I decided to take the route home that allows me to see more of the lake.  It was like getting a hug from the lake.  When I got home, my dog Aiden greeted me with kisses and jumping on me - perhaps that's his hug.  I, like all other human beings, need hugs.  No matter how old we are, or how big we get, we need hugs. How often do we forget to take the time to hug someone?


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