Family Weddings

Today, my niece Natalie will marry her friend Clint.    The family will gather to celebrate as we always do.  My brother is in from PA and my nephew flew in from FL.  I'm grateful that the weatherman has changed his prediction to a dry, but cold day, as the 100% rain will stay south of us. The wedding will take place indoors but the reception is outdoors. (High of 45 degrees today...brrrr)

Big family gatherings are a time to celebrate living and a time that I miss those who are no longer with us.  My mom's sister, Aunt Dorothy, will be reading at the Mass.  She is Natalie's god mother and looks and awful lot like my mom.  It will be good to see her.  I am sure my brother is anxious to walk his oldest child down the aisle.  I pray that all goes well and that we get a heat wave!


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