Look for It

Sometimes it's really hard to see the good in the day.  Even when I haven't had a bad day, I do not see the good.  I think it's because I'm not looking for good or more likely, I'm taking it for granted.

So today, I really have to think about the good that I've had.  Here is a list:
  1. I woke up
  2. The temperature was warm enough to not wear a coat.
  3. It wasn't raining.
  4. I have employment.
  5. I have transportation.
  6. I have out of state license plates on my car - which I believe sometimes makes other drivers kinder to me.
  7. Derrick knows how to cook - I hardly ever have to make dinner anymore as he does all the cooking!
  8. I don't mind doing the dishes.  (He doesn't often clean up after he cooks!)
  9. It's Tuesday so NCIS is on CBS  (Who doesn't like to watch Mark Harmon?)
  10.  Even though he jumps on me (& others), my dog Aiden is pretty good dog!
I find it interesting that my list began with the obvious and ended up more personal.  Finding gratitude in your day should be a top priority for everyone!


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