The Laugh of a Grandchild

Today I was blessed to spend the day with my youngest grandchild, Skylar. She is happy 99% of the time.  She is funny and smart.  (I'm not kidding!)  I am lucky for her demanding my attention and keeping me smiling with her contagious laugh.

I am so grateful for naps.  While Skylar naps, I get to catch up on adult things and still have time for my power nap.  I'm also thankful for the new gates on the deck of this lake house.  It's like having a fenced in yard.  Both Skylar and the dogs are safe. I am giving thanks for the sunshine we had for most of the day and for the stroller we took a walk with throughout the neighborhood.

I'm grateful that I thought of focusing this blog on gratitude as I truly believe I would've spent this week in a state of sadness and gloom.  I am grateful for the time I had with Haylee.  Her smile was as contagious as Skylar's.


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