Hole in My Heart

I was thinking today that a mother who loses a child or really anyone who loses someone has a hole in their heart that cannot be filled. I don't know how else to explain why my joy is less than what it was before the loss. I say this because I've been relatively happy lately...or so I thought. I think the problem I'm having is that I know that my heart has been full of more joy. Perhaps it is leaking out of the hole from the loss of Haylee. I try to remind myself that the hole will get smaller and the joy will come back. I know this to be true because of the other losses I have had in my life. So I will have to be content with the level of joy I achieve. I have to be grateful that I have it. I remind myself that my heart is a miracle and will heal with time, love, and prayers. A beating heart is a sign of life. A leaking heart is a sign of love and loss. A joyful heart is a blessing from God. Count your blessi...