On Hold

So I'm sitting on hold at work, (it's been 20 minutes so far), reading some old posts of mine.  I decided to go to the beginning of this Blog - March 5, 2014.  I moved onto April and read how I was feeling when Haylee died.  I read about Clarence, with tears streaming down my face.  I decided to look and see how often I wrote about my grief.  I found another time and decided it wasn't a good idea to go back and read all of those posts during my lunch hour.

BTW - I've now been on hold for 40 minutes.  I have a repair that needs to be completed so that I can work, there has got to be a better way then waiting on hold with piano music and a friendly voice that says: Thank-you for your patience. Please stay on the line and we will be with you in a moment.


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