My Dad

Dad serving at Mass
I hadn't seen my dad for a week or so and decided to call him last night to tell him my granddaughter Carly and I would be joining him at Mass at his church.  Little did I know he would be serving.

My dad is the kindest, most loving, Christian man I know.  He is always there to lend a hand or tell a joke.  He treats everyone with patience, love, and respect.  He is the real deal. He lives his faith in everything breath he takes.

I know I've said this before, but my dad has a way to make everyone of his children (8 original), grandchildren (35), or great grandchildren (13) believe that they are his favorite.  And we all are, he loves us all, His face lights up whenever he is with his family.

A Father's joy is His children. I love you dad!


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