
I think that we've all felt sad before, but if that sadness lingers day after day, it may signal depression. I know that I've suffered from it several different times during my life: in high school, after a break-up; during and after my divorce, grieving for my sister Barb, my mom and my daughter Haylee.  Stress can create havoc on our bodies. When I'm depressed, I sleep more, eat more, and do nothing more.  I may also shop more, drink more, and complain more.

Luckily for me, eventually, I tend to get back on track with little or no help from the medical field.  I have learned what works for me. Not all  people are like me. Some of my children continuously suffer from anxiety and depression. Some of my friends and family have suffered greatly from this illness.  They lost loved ones to suicide.  I will not even try to imagine how that feels.  September was suicide awareness month and many fundraisers and walks are happening this weekend.  

I pray for a solution to end the downward spiral that depression can cause.


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