
I have to admit, I've taken my body for granted.  I'm 56 years old and have never really broke any bones or injured myself doing activities and sports.  I have always been active...until I couldn't be any longer. So I had surgery to fix the problem that was causing me pain.  The surgery was much harder than I thought it would be and recovery is lasting over a year.

I really don't like it when my ankles causes me pain.  l feel like I take one step forward and two steps back with recovery from the two surgeries I had in 2016.  It's been over a year since my tendon repair. I have to say, I have had one totally pain free day!   So what did I do, I walked my dog at the park.  We were only out about 30 minutes.   Still feeling good.

Then I wake up this morning to pain!!!  UGH!! 


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