A Walk In The Park

It was another gorgeous day here.  High 70's in October!  I took advantage of it and went to my favorite Metropark: Pearson

Pearson is my favorite park for many reasons.  Childhood memories of picnics, reunions and softball games. High school memories were made as I learned how to drive a stick shift with my sister Barb in her brown Pontiac Firebird.  All of my sisters used to take wagons full of our kids to Pearson.  My four kids and I would ride our bikes there.

Cross country practice was held at Pearson.  I would walk the outer loop while my kids practiced. I have memories of the paddle boats, sledding hill and even some events that were held at the shelter house.

Today did not disappoint as Aiden and I walked the 3 mile loop.  The sun was shining, the leaves were crunchy and the smell of autumn was everywhere.  My goal was to walk the loop in less than an hour.  I just made it with a 19 minute mile pace.  I can't wait till I can jog it!


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