Eventful Weekend

I had two events that I had committed to before starting my journey with Nutrisystem.  The first was the Zoo Brew on Friday and the second was a family wedding on Saturday.  I needed a plan so that I would not sabotage the progress I have made in the past ten days.

I began thinking about a strategy to participate in and enjoy these events.  I knew that I would increase my intake of vegetables Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.  Increasing fiber from the veggies will help my body get rid of the excess caloric intake.  It's not a cure all plan, but I've learned that it softens the blow.
Friday night was much harder than Saturday as alcohol was involved.  Alcohol lowers my ability to stick completely to my plan of not eating things that are not on my plan...so I had onion rings and some tortilla chips with spinach/artichoke dip.  I did drink plenty of water and walked alot while enjoying the zoo and the company of my good friend Paula.

My plan for the wedding reception was to avoid the calories from alcohol altogether and enjoy the dinner.  I avoided cheese and baked goods while browsing the appetizer table, choosing a plate of vegetables.  At dinner, half of my plate was green beans, along with chicken breast and mashed potatoes.  I ate a dinner roll with my salad and enjoyed two bites of the wedding cake desserts.

I'm hoping when I step on the scale tomorrow morning that it stays the same, or is less than the 199.7 that I saw last Monday.  For today...more veggies and stick to the plan!


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