Family Time

Luminous Nights at Toledo Zoo
I worry sometimes about my kids. As their mother, I want to my them to always get along.  I forget how unrealistic that is.  We've never all gotten along all of the time.  That doesn't mean that we don't love or care for each other. It just means that we are not always in a family mood. 

When we are all together, I like to do something fun. This is not always easy as it seems.  All of us are  busy in our own lives, working through our own issues, and don't always want to be 'bothered' with family time. Lately, we've struggle to have family game night as everyone is too tired, or too interested in their cell phones. 

This weekend we were able to do something together.  We all loaded up into one car (4 adults and 3 grandchildren), put the wagon in the back and headed to zoo.  It was chilly so we were all bundled up and had a large blanket in the wagon.  My heart was full of joy the entire time.  I love my kids, and they've had alot of loss in their lives.  I just want them to find peace and a little joy as they continue on their life journey.


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