The Scale After Four

Still going down!
I've been doing pretty well, sticking to the Nutrisystem plan and it's working.  I'm  just .7 of a pound shy of a ten pound loss since beginning on September 25. If I keep up at this rate, I'll reach my goal before spring!

The easiest part of this is breakfast.  It's my favorite meal and I like the choices the plan offers.  I usually add an egg as a 'powerful' (more protein) where in the past, I would eat two eggs with breakfast.  Or I put a tablespoon of JIF on their Thick French Toast, which is what I had this morning.

I also like protein shakes.  I add a banana and cinnamon or a scoop of PBfit (peanut butter powder), where in the past I would add twice as much JIF.

The biggest difference is that I'm back to eating more vegetables!  I've even tried some new ones:  rice cauliflower and this week I will be roasting radishes!  They're supposed to be like roasted potatoes!

Bon Appetit !  Eat Healthy!  Nothing Tastes As Good As Being Thin Feels!


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