
I admit it, sometimes I don't put my whole heart into things.  Sometimes I don't try as hard as I can. Sometimes I just do what is the minimum requirement of me.  Who do I hurt when I do not put my whole heart in? That  depends.

When I don't put my all into listening to others I am hurting both them and myself.  I miss the opportunity to learn from what they are saying.  I miss the chance to be supportive by validating them.

If I don't put my all into my workouts, I'm cheating myself.  Sure, any workout is better than no workout, but I'm not going to get same results as if I gave it my all.

When I think of giving my all I am reminded of the greatest commandment:  Love God with all of your heart, with all of your soul, with all of your might.   God wants all of me.  I grow when I give my all.


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