Pronation: Why Does It Matter?

Most of my life, my feet were about a size 8 and I was active 'normal' athletic type of person. Now I have flat feet and they are about a size 10.  Arches sure do make a difference in shoe size!  Over the past five years I've developed pretty much constant shin splints and more recently seem to be developing bunions!  YUCK to both of those!  But it's me and my feet. So I've learned the term, 'overpronation' and wondered what the heck it meant.

So I looked it up and found that (over)pronation means low arch and pronation is how your foot hits the ground and distributes your weight.  Since I am overpronator, my big toe and arch of my foot are trying to do the work that the ball of my foot is supposed to do.  I can tell this every time I take a step.  My foot does not 'roll' from heal to toe.  I have to purposely think about it.

I don't know if most of this is because I wasn't 'allowed' to walk for most of 2016 and my brain forgot how to roll my foot when I walk.  OR  if it's just because my feet have gotten so flat.  Either way, it is my reality.  I need to learn how to walk or wear shoes that correct the errors of my walking ways.


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