Just Be Held

Three years ago, I attended a Casting Crowns concert with my friends Wendy and Eric.  It was shortly after Haylee was killed by a distracted driver.  I really needed to hear the song, Just Be Held. I had never heard it before and it helped me to let go.  I was tired of being strong.

I was being strong for me, telling myself that it was just a horrible accident. (We didn't know the driver was on her cell phone until a year later, when the prosecutor released the phone records.)  I kept thinking that Haylee is in a better place.  No more suffering of kidney stones.  I told myself a lot of things to help me to understand this loss.

I remember just crying throughout the song at the concert.  I still cry when I hear the song on the radio.  It's funny, but the more tears I shed, the stronger I become!


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