
The first step to change is to be aware of the need for change.  In the age multitasking or doing three or four things at once, it's hard to have any awareness at all.  Without awareness, how can I know what or where I need to change?  

This lent, I've been trying to focus on the things I need to change.  I need to quiet myself and listen to the world around me.  When my mind is quiet the world seems brighter.  I'm able to listen better and that's always a good thing.

A couple of days ago, I watched this video from the Best Lent Ever.  It was talking about prayer.  Praying constantly - how can anyone do that?  Well, everything we do can be transformed into prayer.  Even our sleep can be changed into prayer!  Who would not want to do that?

Here's how: Every hour, take 10 seconds to say 'God, I'm offering the next hour in prayer to you.  Please help my children to find and follow you again."  (or for whatever reason you have - remember, you will be doing this 12-14 times a day!)

After committing the hour to prayer, you are more AWARE of what you are doing for that hour! It's worth giving a try.  If anything, it'll slow me down and help me to keep it simple.  Imagine that!


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