Walking My Dog

It's been a long year of recovery for me, and for my dog Aiden.  He's just as out of shape as I am.  Actually, he's probably in worse shape as I've been able to go to the YMCA and workout some.  But that's changing.

I've take Aiden on three walks, in three days.  Each is a little longer.  I can tell when he gets tired and I push him just a little further.  Yesterday we made it two miles and we'll stay there for a while until our time improves.

Currently it takes us 40 minutes to get those two miles in.  My goal  is to get that closer to 30.  We mostly walk, but I'm starting to jog a little of it.  I'm hoping to get back to jogging most of a three mile walk with Aiden.

When we get home from our walks, he lays on his bed and falls asleep.  In fact, he's snoring now!


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