Health, Happiness, and Heaven

All of the things I will focus on for the next 40 days begin with the letter H: Health, Happiness, and Heaven.

Health:  When I think of health, I think of my weight.  I think of my feet.  I think of the numbness in my fingers.  I don't like to think of body parts.
My body parts are supposed to work without me even thinking about them.  Aren't they?

Happiness:  Typically, I have a happy disposition.  The word my mom chose to describe me on my Christmas stocking was Happy.  I'm pretty good at finding the good in everything.  Until last health took a toll on my happiness.  Pain has a way of doing that.

Heaven:  I will keep my eyes on God.  I will be more prayerful.  I will listen more carefully to the world around me.


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