
When I think of the word fellowship, I'm reminded of the pre-festival parties at St. Thomas Aquinas church. This party was for the workers to gather, have fun, relax and get ready for the big work they would be doing the following week.  It was great!  It was the 1990's and it seemed that people took the time to do those kinds of things...volunteer, support, enjoy community.

Thirty years later, I think that fellowship doesn't happen as often.  People are too busy.  The only time they make time for fellowship is when it's combined with other things like a fundraiser.  Or if their attendance is  'required' by their employer.  I think that fellowship is so important that communities that are able to continue to 'fellowship' will thrive and those that struggle to have down time to relax and enjoy each other will not.

Cheers to fellowship!   Sláinte!  The closest term you can use to toast someone "cheers!" in Irish Gaelic. More accurately, the term "sláinte" translates into the English term "health."



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