Seek and You Shall Find

Have you ever read the bible?  I'm not one who has read it cover to cover, but I have read parts.  The Old Testament is full of scary stories.  Yes I called them scary. Sometimes I read Book of Job when I'm feeling down.   Job had it all and then he lost it.  He tries to figure out why.   What lessons must he learn?

Most of the time, I turn to the bible for inspiration on things going on in my life.  I have a Women's version of the bible, where it has an index in the back with topics I would be struggling with.  It also has inspirations, written by women who were struggling with the same thing.

I have realized, that during 2016 I did not seek solace in the bible.  It was the year I had two foot surgeries; the year I lost direction.  The year I fell into despair and depression.  The year I chose to focus on pain.  Awareness is the first step to healing!


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