Just Breathe

Sometimes I start to feel overwhelmed with my to do list.  Those are the times when I usually get up and take a walk.  (Written this morning before I left for work.)

Then I got in my car and headed to work.  As soon as I got on the highway it hit me-my grief is a sneaky fella.  I never know when it'll come around.
So I cried some and tried to think of other things...like driving to work...not thinking about the events of 23 weeks before.  Wow, has it really been that long?  Or short?  Short it is because it hasn't been long enough for me.

So I took a breath, posted something on facebook and went on with my day.  It was a tough one but I made it!  And when I got home from work, I went on fb and read so many supportive comments from my friends.  Thank you for being my friend.  (And that goes for you too, Clarence!)


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