Dimes From Heaven

I have been finding dimes lately.  Seriously, only dimes, no pennies, nickles or quarters.  It is very strange.  I find them on my way to the car...whether I am heading to work or leaving from work.  I find them on the rug in my bedroom. 

My son Derrick says the ones I find in the driveway are from his pockets.  He is a waiter so he usually has coin tips.  I disagree though because I don't find any other coins, just a single dime and it's happened more than once.  I remember my friend Karen saying that if you find a dime it means someone who died recently is watching over me and telling me it's okay.

Just now I searched for dimes from heaven on the Internet.  Guess what?  This happens alot and the stories are all the same!  Makes me smile.


  1. When one shows up, it is a private moment between you and your loved one; a secret/private conversation; a comfort; a reassurance. The dimes seem to appear at just the right moment.


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