A Beautiful Thing

I had an appointment yesterday in Swanton.  I don't like to drive to there...too much time to think about Haylee.  But something happened as I approached my destination. 

I looked up near the visor of my car and there were several dancing miniature lights.  I didn't know where they were coming from, but I couldn't help but to smile.  It made me think that Haylee was happy that I was there.

I went into my appointment full of emotion and somehow calm and at peace.  During the drive home the dancing lights returned and I was determined to find their source. I thought they were reflecting off of my bracelet...but they weren't.  I didn't have any rings on and it wasn't my keys.

And then I looked down at my shirt, it was the first time I wore it.  It is a jeweled shirt from Chicos, called Nora Necklace Tee.  Mystery solved...funny how something so simple can bring peace and joy!


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