Crisis Molds Us

A favorite coping phrase I use is:  Life is hard, and sometimes, its not.  I'm not sure where I heard it first but I know that it has gotten me through many a turning point in my life.  Whether it was simply not getting my way when I was growing up with seven siblings. Or the trials of high school and going away to college.  I learned to rely on it while raising my four children under six as I went through divorce and relocation...not to mention surviving their teenage years!

I only know that I made it through those times when I thought that I couldn't.  I came out a better, more patient person.  Sometimes the new me was even happier than my previous self.  I wish I knew what lies ahead.  I wish I knew when I would become the person I am meant to be.  I wish I knew when I will have joy again.  Life is continuous learning.  Crisis molds us into what God has planned.


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