A Gift of Time

Just when I thought today was going to be rushed, mother nature came through with a fog.  All the schools followed with a two hour delay.  Believe me, my first thought was to go back to sleep, but I had gone to bed early and really didn't need any more. So I made coffee!

I threw in a load of laundry.  I played words with friends.  I tweeted.  I fed Aiden.  I drank more coffee.  I paid bills.  I packed my lunch and thought about what food I will take to the lake with me this weekend.  I read my facebook wall.  I ate some cantaloupe.  I watched CBS this morning.  I let Carly sleep in.  I switched the laundry from washer to dryer and put in another load.  And now I'm writing this blog and thinking about a cat-nap before I have to wake Carly up and start getting ready for work...in 36 minutes.

If you are ever given a gift of more time...try not to waste it!


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