
This week has been a week of changes.  Monday started with a workshop on the new standardize testing we will be using at our school. Later in the week, a good friend of mine passed away after suffering from cancer.  On Friday, my dad sold the house that his sister built and my mom and he lived in for nearly 20 years. As we move the things into take with, give away, sell or throw away piles, I can see the overwhelming emotion that he is trying to keep at bay.

I'm sure that he is excited to be started his new married life with Pat in a new place all of their own.  I'm sure he is sad to be leaving so many memories of his life with my mom.  He's remembering his brothers and sisters and the times they spent at this house.  I know that it's hard to accept that just because something had meaning to him, doesn't mean it has meaning or the same meaning to others.

I love my Dad.  He is a great example of how to make the best of change.  He is living proof that there is happiness after sadness.  I love you dad.


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