Day Three

It's been three days since I've read my wall or checked in to facebook.  I must say the day is 2/3 over, and I've prayed for my friends and family a couple of times...more than usual.

On my way to work this morning, I was blessed with blue skies, the sunrise and a view of 5-6 church steeples. (I take I75 south to 24.)  The third steeple I see is that of St. Pat's Historic.  Every morning, when I see the Celtic cross on top of it's steeple I think of my ancestors...Steve and Rose Quinn.

Then I think of my mom, her family, and St. Anne's Church which is now St. Martin DePores.  I remember all of the stories she told me about being Catholic and living across the street from the church.  My mom was the youngest of six children.  Her grandma, Rose Quinn, lived with her family.  (That was 70 years ago!)  Two of her sisters were called to vocations: The Sisters of The Visitation and Tiffin Franciscans.  I remember my mom saying that she prayed everyday: "Lord, Please don't call me!"  She married my dad and had eight kids!


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