
Yesterday, as I was writing this blog about trusting my gut...my gut was wondering where my son and granddaughter were.  They were usually home by then and were not.  I thought about them two or three more times after that.  Then my phone rang...the person on the other line was asking me where I was, and why haven't I picked up my granddaughter yet!
I could not believe I forgot!  I was embarrassed.  I felt bad for my granddaughter and even worse for the adults who were caring for her an hour past their time.

I ran from the house, jumped in the car and was on my way.  Did I mention how awful I felt?  I prayed...Dear God, please let me have 'green' lights all the way.  (That would take 5 minutes off a 20 minute trip!)  Can you believe it...I had green lights all the way there and most of the way back.  My granddaughter and her caretakers survived and all is well.

I learned, never to forget my kids...or grandkids.  I hope my son learned to communicate better!


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