Day Four

The Trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, is the basis of Christian belief.  A clover or  shamrock is a symbol of the Trinity.  It is also said that the leaves represent faith, hope, and love.  As I write during my lenten journey without facebook, I think about my faith.

I am third of my parents' eight children.  I was blest to have been born to parents with a strong belief in God.  I tend to belief that I was born with the Spirit.  I was lucky.  I have always had faith that life is good.  I believed that people were good.  I knew bad things would happen, but for a greater good that I just had to believe in.

If I looked at my life, I could remember all of the bad things: a fire in our home when I was in sixth grade, or becoming a single parent of four children under six when I was only 28.  The accidental death of my sister when she was just 38 and I 36.  A car accident that changed my mom and dad's life forever and a fire in my home shortly before my 50th birthday.

But instead, I remember the good:  tragedies like fires or death allow the good in people to come out.  I remember that a member of our church went to Florida for the winter, so she let my parents and their seven small children live in her house for three months while their house was repaired.  I learned more about my oldest brother Chris, while I lived with him for six months.  I can't even count the stories I heard from the hundreds of people who attended the funerals or my sister and of my mom.  People are good and that causes my faith to grow.

Whether it's legend or tradition, finding a four leaf clover is supposed to bring luck to its finder. I wish for faith, hope, and love and a little bit of luck to all of my friends and family.


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