
I am the technology director at a large Catholic parish and school.  I try to keep my network simple and functional, while providing the parishioners with what they need. Today, while trying to increase wifi access near the sanctuary, I somehow lost connection to...Emmaus.  This caused me to remember the story from Luke 24.

Jesus said:  Oh foolish ones, how slow of heart to believe... 

Have you ever questioned your faith? (I hope so.)  Has your 'gut' ever told you to do something but you ignored it --- only to find out later that you should've listened to it?

I like to think that everyday, I'm given the chance to grow more into the woman I am meant to be.  I am lucky to be able to trust my gut...at least in areas of technology, which allows me to do good work at my job.  I find that I don't question my faith as much as I question my religious beliefs.  I believe that asking questions, stumbling, and making mistakes is all part of growing.  I don't always like what I learn, and it sometimes hurts alot when I fall, but I try not to make the same mistakes.  I've learned more about me along the way, which allows me to trust my gut in more situations.

My prayer for my family and friends is for their growth in knowledge of themselves.  Go ahead, make mistakes, learn and grow into the person you are intended to be.  What have you learned about yourself today? 


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