Ash Wednesday (aka Day One)

Lent is a period of time (40 days), to examine oneself, to fast and to pray.  Just as Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness, tempted by Satan - I will spend the next 40 days without 'checking in' or checking up on my friends and family on the social medium of facebook.  I have been partaking in the afore mentioned activities on one of my several mobile devices and computers: Cellphone, Xoom (tablet), iPod touch, laptop, and desktops at both work and at home.  In place of doing those things I will take the time to pray for my friends and family.  I hope to become closer to Jesus and the person I am supposed to be.

I don't really remember when I joined facebook.  (2009)  What I do remember is learning how to text; opening a twitter account and then connected my twitter account to facebook.  My career involves technology and in order to train others in the use of technology, I had to be an expert.  My idea was to send one text each morning to my twitter account. (I was never on the real site except to when I created it!)  When I connect facebook to my twitter - well then I was in.

My children, nieces and nephews thought that I was constantly on facebook.  They thought I was going crazy with social media.  When in fact, I didn't even have a smart phone!  I sent a text to twitter and twitter posted to facebook.  Viola!  Social Media became part of my life. 

I am 'addicted' to checking in places using the facebook app on my cellphone.  Today I have checked in zero times, but I've prayed for my friends and family a half a dozen more times than I have in the past. 


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