
Over seven years ago, I was one of four people picked in  WTOL's Weigh in to Win contest.  I won my life back.  At the time, all of my children were grown, living on their own, or in college.  I had an empty nest and was easily able to put my focus back on me.  Nine month's later, I had shed nearly 70 pounds.  I felt great.

Throughout those nine months I was required to blog my daily thoughts. This is where my daily writings became part of the digital age.  I remember my first blog was titled Balance.  After the contest, my weight was steady between 155-165 pounds for more than three years. 

So much has happened in life since then: losing my mom, then losing my job, a house fire-displacing me for six month's, turning 50 and more - I lost myself.   I began gaining weight - at the rate of 10 pounds per year.   That makes nearly 54 years old and weighing in at nearly 200 pounds.  I refuse to weigh 200 anything!

I am trying to find balance again. 


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