Walk in the Park

I slept in this morning, opting for reading the novel I started a couple of weeks ago instead of a morning walk.  So I made it a goal to take a late afternoon walk.  I chose to go to Wildwood Preserve Metropark instead of my favorite Pearson Metropark as I had already driven to Oregon earlier in the day to deliver something to my sister Holly.

My brown dog Aiden gets so excited when he is allowed to go in the car with me.  His tag is wagging and he sticks his head out the window as we drive.  Seeing him so happy helps me find a smile even when I don't feel like smiling.

I decided what path I was going to take at the park on my drive there.  I made it a short walk,  Only two miles, as I have some work to finish this evening. With every step, I feel lighter.  The world is so green this time of year.  While walking in the park, I can't help but to look up and enjoy the beauty in God's creation called earth.

A little bit of Green Therapy can go a long way.


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