
We measure ourselves almost as must as we measure others.  It shouldn't be that way.  We should only be concerned with ourselves...but we're human.

Things in my life are not the way I thought they would be ten years ago.  Many of the reasons it is not were beyond my control, but there are things that are in my control and that is what I should focus on.  To put it I need to take care of myself.  I am not doing that now.

I am worried about my children and how they are doing.  I am worried about Haylee's dad and her fiance.  My children are worried about me because I even think about the latter when they do not care about me.  My response has always been, that's who I am.  I try to treat or treat everyone I meet in the manner that I would want to be treated.  The golden rule:  so hard to live by.

I have been stuck in this spot before.  It is time to recalibrate, to evaluate and adjust.  It's time for a change.  I need to take care of myself first before I can truly apply the golden rule.  I have to remind myself that I am not being selfish.  I am doing what God said:  Love your neighbor as yourself. 

I know that there within lies my happiness. click click click...


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