Feeling Blah

Have you ever had one of those days where everything is just there?  A day where you feel like you're just going through the motions of your life?  Well that's what today was for me.  Merriam-Webster defines the blahs : a feeling of being bored, tired, etc.: silly or meaningless talk.  I have the blahs.

I started my day as a normally do, with coffee, eggs, and words with friends.  I joined my dad at his church for a memorial Mass for my mom.  I went to brunch afterwards with Margaret, Derrick, and Carly.  I did a little work at St. Pats while Carly was at a play date.  I read my novel and gardened. 

I'm glad it's almost time to call it a day.  I don't like the blahs.


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