80th Birthday

My Mom, aka the lunchroom lady, during a Halloween parade at Raymer School sometime in the 80's
My mom was born on Halloween.  She would be celebrating her 80th birthday this year.  I'm writing this blog from the oldest (working) computer in my house, a Mac Power PC G4.  It was the one I used when my mom was alive and is still where 95% of my photos are.  [Now that's scary!]

My mom has been in heaven since 2008.  I miss her.  Sometimes I think of the sad times, like the day of her funeral, when Haylee helped me make it through the day.  But most times I think of times of her life, like always giving you something when you left her house: one day she gave me a pencil!  I looked at her confused and she said:  My mom always gave me something when I left, so ... I can't help myself so just take it!

I remember my mom riding her bike to work at Raymer school.  Did you know that she was the only one of the girls in her family that learned how to drive! (I guess my Aunt Kate learned but never actually drove anywhere.)  I remember halloweens at mom's house.  She would pass out twinkies through the screen door...with the screen removed.  We all went there, to celebrate her birthday and to trick or treat in our old neighborhood.  Then mom and dad moved, and we'd trick or treat with our kids in their new neighborhood.  Later, we moved the party to my sister Rosi's house, still celebrating mom's birthday but the 10+ grandchildren would trick or treat there.

My mom was full of SPIRIT.  I feel blessed when people say they see her in me.  I love you mom!  Happy 80th birthday in heaven.  I know you're celebrating with the other angels especially your Barb and my Haylee. 


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