
The feeling of being upset or annoyed, especially because of inability to change or achieve something...that's what I was feeling yesterday.

Tuesdays are my long teaching days - I have six classes with no planning period...just a lunch break.  I'm always tired on Tuesdays.  The drive home from work via I475 north was better than the day before...more people on the road knew the meaning of merge so traffic flowed pretty well. (Merging into traffic...another topic for another day!)

When I got home from work, I was feeling pretty good after my 10 minute cat nap. ( I love cat naps!)  Anyhow, then my phone rang.  As I listened to the person on the other end tell me what was going on in their life, my frustration began.  That call was interrupted by another call, where I was placed on hold and then disconnected.

Shortly after that, I received a text from someone else stating how frustrated they were.  And lastly, another phone call that turned into a shouting match...that I'm not proud of.  Have you felt disappointed in how you handled a situation?  Well that's how I feel.   I regret the tone of my voice not so much what I said.  I'm disappointed with my listening skills.   I know that I can do better.


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