Quinn Family Reunion

This weekend was the 52nd annual Quinn Family Reunion.  As a family, we've seen alot of each other this year as we've had a year of losses.  In January, we lost Heather (41 years) to a brain tumor. She left behind her husband and two small children.  In April, we lost my Haylee (30 years) when she was struck by a car while walking her dog Lola. Then in May, we lost Aunt Betty (88 years) after a short illness. And just last month, we lost Bishop Bob (83 years) a truly holy man.

It was nice to gather this weekend for fun, fellowship and food while sharing with and caring for each other.  The weather was fantastic, the host families of Lorain did an excellent job of preparing and as always it was a huge success.  I am blessed to have such a large extended family.


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