Weight While Waiting

Today I am starting an adventure - the Whole30.   

I have been tired and achy all over for a couple of weeks now...more than usual.  The people at Whole30 seem to think it's from my 'healthy' eating of cheese, beans, and whole grains.  We will see.

I will eliminate dairy, legumes, and grains from my diet for thirty days.  That means no peanut butter, chocolate or alcohol.  For those of you that know me, those are my top three go to comfort foods.

I can have nuts, fish, veggies, eggs, some fruits and lots of other things I already eat.  Today I made scrambled eggs with peppers, onions, mushrooms and spinach for breakfast.  I made a tunafish salad without mayo...I used mustard instead...very interesting surprise!  For dinner I had more cooked veggies...thank you Derrick.

I did a little cardio at the YMCA and took my dog Aiden for a long walk.  It's after 10 pm and I feeling a little hungry so it's time to go to bed.


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