Independence Day

Can you imagine how tired the colonists were when they finally defeated the British?  I cannot.

I know that my life is extremely easy compared to theirs.  So how could I ever think that it is hard.

The hardest part of my day, physically, was my track workout.  I did eight laps of walking and jogging with some lunges, bear crawls, grapevines and frankensteins mixed in.  The second hardest part of my day involved psychology as I was trying to understand and deal with family emotions.  And now I am trying to comfort my dog Aiden, who is terrified of the booms, crackles and pops of the fireworks.  (This may turn out to be THE hardest part of my day.) But MOST of my day way filled with fun, laughing, sharing and enjoying the freedom that we Americans take oh so much for granted.

Happy 4th of July!  God Bless America!


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