
Everyone has a different view of the world.  What we see is bits and pieces of what is inside of us.

As I was working in my sister Holly's apartment, along side of my two other sisters, I was reminded how each one of us is different.  Even though the four of us were born between December of 1960 to December 1965. We all had a different perspective, though similar, of the situation we were in.  I'm sure that Holly was feeling happy that we were helping here get ready to move while being sad to leave a building she'd lived in for 10 years or so.

I was working in the kitchen, Margaret chose the living room, while Rosi chose the bathroom.  We all had different thoughts going on in our heads, as we completed similar, yet different tasks. As I was packing up the dishes I was trying to make sure Holly kept her complete set as I thought everyone likes to have matching dishes and I was donating all the mismatched things.  As the oldest of the four of us, I like to have things in order.

As Margaret was busy cleaning and packing DVD's and nicknacks I'm sure she was thinking of all of the things she had accumlated in her life and the 30 years she lived in her home she recently moved from.  Rosi had taken on the lead of caretaker, resulting from living with her Mother-in-law for nearly 20 years.  She kept coming out of the bathroom sharing what she had found, sometimes complaining of her task.  As she did this, Margaret and I looked at each other and smiled as we were SOOO happy that we were not cleaning the bathroom!

It is all about what we are feeling inside.


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