OMG What Happened to My Gift?

I work in technology.  I work with people.  I like what I do!

Now that it's clear that I am where I am supposed to be; doing what I am supposed to be doing; and pretty darn content with all of that, what is going on!#$%?

I studied computer science in college on the recommendation of my high school teachers because I was good in math and science.  But let me let you in on a little secret...God gave me the gift of technology!  I was that person who set your parents blinking clock on their VCR in the 1980's.  I don't think my parents even got one until the late 80's so I don't know how I acquired the skill to do this. Really...I rely on my gut and intuition.  They are my first go to and have ALWAYS been good to me. This gift actually shocks me sometimes as I pull a complicated answer out from instinct!

But today was different...real different...things are not working like they should.  I am perplexed. In the past week I have felt more like myself than I have in over three months, since Haylee's accident.   I have been joyful, funny, and carefree...until this afternoon.  I was upgrading a few computers today just like I have been doing all summer.

So...I have about four different systems doing different things, and something isn't right on one of them, I full with it for a couple minutes and think: This doesn't make sense.   So I leave it and move to another...different issue altogether... 30 minutes later...nothing!  WTF!  (not to swear in my blog but really)   Again I say to myself: This doesn't make sense.

Repeat the above paragraph twice and know that it's Thursday and I don't work on Fridays in the summer so I have to finish my work before I go to the lake.  UGH  I can only tell you this, what I know for sure:  I am still SO much joyful than I have been in the past ninety days.  So joyful, that I decided to walk away from all four of the issues at work as they can wait until next week.  (Notice I didn't say Monday!)      Just keeping my joy!   :)


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