13 X 7 = 91

Dear Haylee,

It's been three months, thirteen weeks, or ninety-one days since you went to heaven.  I miss you.  I don't use near as many phone minutes since you left.  I don't know what you're cooking for supper.  We had pork chops, green beans with mushrooms and onions, and corn on the cob.  I know that you are where you are supposed to be because God wouldn't have it any other way.  But I miss you.

I've been having alot of good days lately.  Keeping busy and taking care of myself by eating right and moving my body through space.  I feel a lot better.  Aiden and I walked four miles at Wildwood Metropark this morning.  He's been sleeping all day.  Gretchen and I laid out in the pool.

2184 hours...I miss you.




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